In anticipation of what promises to be an exciting 2018 season for all concerned at Bacup CC, our junior players are looking to raise funds exclusively for use in the ongoing development of junior cricket at the club – starting with a sponsorship event on 22nd April (10-30am start). The format of the event to 'test' our junior players on the following cricket skills: Throwing - Hit the Stumps Bowling - Hit the Wickets Batting - Hit the Gap Catching - Catch the Ball Each of the four skills carries a maximum of 5pts so the maximum any of our players can achieve on the day is 20pts – all detail is stated on the sponsorship form attached. The final of the competition will be held between innings where our first eleven will be hosting Church CC in their first home match of the season. There will also be a ‘Crazy Catch’ competition between Junior Players and Parents – the charge is just £1 per go. The club would be delighted if you were able to sponsor a player, but also come along on the day as well to provide your support what is a key event at the commencement of the new Cricket Season. Many thanks in advance and we very much looking forward to seeing you all over the coming weeks.
